By Anonymous - 04/03/2014 21:06 - Norway - Nesoddtangen

Today, after nearly a month, I found out my wife isn't pregnant after all. She was just screwing around to win a bet with her friends on how long it'd take me to figure out the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 870
You deserved it 4 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kirrra 11

what a cruel joke, I think your wife has some growing up to do before you both have a baby for real


NineeCat 32

So she really is just a fat bitch??

FYI: many women do not show for several months once pregnant. I believe OP's wife is just an immature bitch.

Coeliacchic93 21

some women don't show at all while pregnant. sometimes the baby can be sitting upright next the the woman spine so she never shows

Cheat on her when she finds out say I had a bet with my friends on how long it would take u to find out. Lol

That sucks but every dog has it's day and ur day will come bro... So wait patiently until then!!!

JMichael 25

That's not something to joke about. Your wife sounds really immature. This is part of the reason I don't date the women around my hometown. They act like immature spoiled brats. Hope karma gets her back big time OP!

jaellin 18

Am i the only one who thinks this could have been funny depending on OPs relationship? Me and my so goof around in a way that seems really, really weird to most people around us. Okay, all people around us. I gave him a fake preggo test on April fools day one year. I mean, I didn't let it go on for more than a minute, but still it didn't go as well as planned.

cryssycakesx3 22
jaellin 18

My bf was amused too. I'm glad I've found someone who doesn't take life so seriously. OPs wife took it too far, but still seems like a prank not the start of a divorce.

squideth 18

You and your partner are not superior to anyone just because you don't take life-changing events seriously.

Say you were exposed to a large about of radiation making you sterile

that's a really cruel thing to do, shame on her