By Anonymous - 04/03/2014 21:06 - Norway - Nesoddtangen

Today, after nearly a month, I found out my wife isn't pregnant after all. She was just screwing around to win a bet with her friends on how long it'd take me to figure out the truth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 870
You deserved it 4 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kirrra 11

what a cruel joke, I think your wife has some growing up to do before you both have a baby for real


JCal585 8

Now you have an argument trump card. Whenever you do something she thinks is mean you can come back with "I never pretended to be pregnant." If you ever question her honesty, its because she pretended to be pregnant. If she questions yours? You never pretended to be pregnant.

Do you really want to have a kid with someone who would do that? You would never know if their pregnancies symptoms and illnesses were real. Also, breeding is not a joking matter.

You seriously need to get divorced immediately. A liar of that caliber will destroy everything they touch. Get rid of her while you still can.

That's really mean. I think it would take anyone awhile to figure something like that out.

Oh come on. Don't be rude Yeah it was a cruel joke but she was having fun playing a PRANK ! pranks aren't supposed to be nice they are supposed to be rude n cruel n funny. In which this was all of the above.

DenBriZel 31
amccaul1976 8

if you really wanted to pay her back you should just tell her you're glad she's not pregnant because you would have hated to be responsible for brining another HIV positive baby in the world. after about a month of letting her suffer have your best friend pay you a dollar in front of her and say your right you won the bet here's your dollar.