By killme - 11/11/2014 17:43 - United States - Warner Robins

Today, after nearly two weeks of being stressed out due to financial issues, I decided to spend my last 4 dollars on stress-relieving body wash. Apparently this particular body wash causes me to break out in hives and now I have no money for rash cream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 950
You deserved it 7 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well ain't that some shit?? I hope your luck takes a turn for the best, OP!

Best stress relief is exercise, and it's free! Good luck OP.


Well ain't that some shit?? I hope your luck takes a turn for the best, OP!

Yeah... Hoping you get those stressors relieved soon OP

I hope things turn around for OP too! This was a double whammy and a definite FYL..

no way she deserves it for believing a bodywash could relieve stress

Stress is all in your head, if you actually believe that the body wash can relieve stress it will.

OP, what were you thinking? Your LAST 4 dollars? It couldn't be spent in a better way? Like food? You will get hungry, and body wash doesn't feed you! A good way to save money is to stop buying stuff like that! I realize it can work, but it's not worth your LAST 4 dollars! And I know, cut backs suck. But you've got to prioritize! I'm really sorry that you're down in your luck. Things can get better, but not if you pursue comfort over needs...

Hopefully your luck will take a turn for the better!

I would reply something relevant but I'm so broke I couldn't pay attention

killthedead 13

Here's to getting buried with you. Another example of sarcasm down the drain. They may catch on, someday.

Personally, I thought #4's comment was clever @#29, it's a play on words in that he's so broke, he couldn't afford to "pay" anything. In this case, he couldn't "pay" attention

Thank you #46 for explaining this to all the nitwits who never would have understood otherwise. Well done #4, I enjoyed it a lot.

Best stress relief is exercise, and it's free! Good luck OP.

That's what I call itching to make money

Well that comment didn't go over well haha

You must got some pretty bad karma built up.