By Jeathrow - 16/02/2012 15:01 - United States

Today, after recently moving to an apartment, we've already been asked if we wanted to buy drugs, had a children's chair thrown through the front window, our door painted with "CUNT LICKER" and my laundry stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 284
You deserved it 4 004

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nows a good time to find somewhere else to live. before something dangerous happens

Did you do ANY kind of research/asking around before moving on?


ToriSapp 0

I would move soon because that's just sketchy

nightwolf86 7

Should have bought the drugs.

There are a lot of apartments like that in Memphis too.

banta98 5

I thin this was copied and pasted

xXRazelleLuniiXx 9

Sounds like a very lovely abode.

lifesgoodlol 3