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By Anonymous - 11/07/2011 07:42 - Australia

Today, I got home from work to find my house covered in graffiti dicks, the windows smashed, the front lawn entirely ripped up, and my letter box containing dog shit. I also found a note taped to the door saying, "Suck on this Darren". Darren is my next door neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 598
You deserved it 3 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darren would be getting an ass whoopin and he better start cleaning.

the first that I do when my property gets raped is post on fml. not call the police, but share my story with the Internet.


Darren is the worst member of the Whitest Kids U Know.

Screw you Darren! Also re dick who tore up my lawn.

Screw you Darren! also the dick who yore up my lawn.

NeverShoutDana 13

Why is this under the catagory "Intimacy"?

Temi25 6

do it to his house, and leave the note there

changetheworld 0

Sounds like Darren knocked up the wrrong chick.!

Glitterhinoceros 14

31, idk, maybe cause here was graffiti dicks on his house? But I agree, it shouldn't be under intimacy o.O

Darren sounds like a badass to be hated on like that.

Call the police, if someone has done this to Darren it's probably something that needs to get checked out. People don't rip up other people's houses just for fun, your neighbor's in some sort of scam.

karinaprism9 4

Holy Crow, bad mental image.

tjv3 10

Karma just made you it's bitch

Maybe Darren can work his magic and "alohomora, you bastard!" the people that did that? Or give you enough COURAGE to do it yourself...

I'm thinking, if they hate him that much, they would most likely come back to see Darren cleaning it up. So, put a giant sign outside your house that says 'Darren lives next door, bitches'. Expect results within three days. Then make Darren clean up your property as well. Ultimate revenge.

... will someone have the name 'Darren'

darren would be getting an ass whoopin and he better start cleaning.

Are you sure it didn't say "suck on this, -Darren"

a_nutritionist 10

@45 youd think so with the way everyone is blaming darren for this...

And be paying for everything to be fixed and cleaned

Uraharas_Bankai 1

He will make Darren become his maid

help????? what are you talking about?????

No, there is only one solution: kill Darren.

the first that I do when my property gets raped is post on fml. not call the police, but share my story with the Internet.


i do that with murders too.

Whats to say they haven't called the police before they posted this?? Why would they go into great detail about that on FML? That would just be boring!!

cowboyhater4ever 0

OP could have done that before and then posted about the incident on FML. Dumbass.

flockz 19

today, someone died and still posted an FML. FML ZOMBIE INVASION.

I post zombie invasions on the Internet first

Way to infer sherlock. She has limited space as it is, and it's an fml not a whole explanation of the aftermath.

Maybe he did call the police and THEN posted the fml. It starts with "Today" not "1 second ago" Dumbass.

ayooBrandon 12

Let's hope when something of yours gets completely ruined that will be their "honest mistake."

Your picture is amazing ayooBrandon. (:

ayooBrandon 12
dagray40 7

....At least your name's not Darren (:

chaoticnh 0

I didn't think anything optimistic could come of this, good stuff :)!