By addict - 26/08/2017 13:00

Today, after spending over a year getting clean and sober, I started feeling horrible withdrawal symptoms and couldn't understand why. It turns out my wife had been dosing my food with Adderall "to keep me on track" and just stopped. So much for my anniversary chip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 123
You deserved it 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One, she's basically been drugging you which is huge breach of trust. Two, she did it to "keep [you] on track," meaning that she didn't have any faith in your ability to get sober. Three, she actively undermined your efforts to get clean and doesn't seem remorseful about it. Four, if you work and they did a random drug screen, you would have gotten fired even though you were being dosed against your will. Five, I really suggest sitting her down and finding out what the ever loving hell she was thinking, if she was even thinking at all and not using her skull as a compact hot air balloon.

fooltemptress 36

It's time for her to get dosed with divorce papers.


One, she's basically been drugging you which is huge breach of trust. Two, she did it to "keep [you] on track," meaning that she didn't have any faith in your ability to get sober. Three, she actively undermined your efforts to get clean and doesn't seem remorseful about it. Four, if you work and they did a random drug screen, you would have gotten fired even though you were being dosed against your will. Five, I really suggest sitting her down and finding out what the ever loving hell she was thinking, if she was even thinking at all and not using her skull as a compact hot air balloon.

Natasha Kinnear 9

Some places don't/aren't allowed to do random drug screening. So if he lived in one of those states that has that type of law or worked where they don't give a shit, he'd be alright anyways. Shitty of her to do that though

samomaha 17

"Huge breach of trust"?How about committing a federal crime?!?

Kind of figured the crime part was obvious, but people are weird in that they will turn over their partner for committing a crime against them, but don't realize that they need to actually do something about said crime on a personal level.

HOW was this not an FML?? that is illegal. I'm sorry. Praying for you to have some healing and peace

fooltemptress 36

It's time for her to get dosed with divorce papers.

It's not your fault I'm sure you can still have the chip because you didn't know about it, if you were completely strong and you stayed away from the alcohol even if you were tempted then I think you're strong

Not only does this call for divorce papers, this also warrants a report to the police. This definitely isn't something you should take lightly and shrug off, she needs to be reported ASAP.

Go to the hospital first. You don't actually know the dose or if the Adderall was FDA-grade--you need medical attention, THEN file police charges and divorce paperwork. I don't think AA is going to get on you for this, though. You were drugged against your will. Tell them honestly what happened and they'll probably figure out something for you.

thatslifeiguess7 16

Call your sponsor, then the police. Do you have family or friends who are for you being sober? Good luck you didn't know you were being drugged

thatslifeiguess7 16

BTW on mom the tv show they ate pot edibles not knowing what was in them it's the same thing

Zachary8261 28

It's at this point you probably file for divorce.

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I call BS on whatever kind of education you may have received because you still don't know the difference between you're and your. Hint, it's not your. Maybe you're the one on drugs.

Haha. Yeah. Plus he finished it with: "....end of." End of what?

onceuponatime456 16

I call BS on you. You are just a slimy little troll who probably has accomplished nothing worthwhile in its life!

Lobby_Bee 17

I'm no expert, but don't you need prescription for those kind of drugs? How did she get it without you knowing?

Natasha Kinnear 9

She could easily be taking them herself for ADD/ADHD, or a dealer