By SnowyConcussion - 23/12/2009 14:30 - United States

Today, after spending the past 4 days asking both my husband and my father-in-law to salt our sidewalk, I slipped on the ice. I hit my head on our concrete stairs. While holding ice on my head, my father-in-law pats my head and says "I'll go get some salt." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 917
You deserved it 9 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Salt it yourself. Would that be so difficult?

Why didn't you salt it for yourself? You think it's more work than constantly bitching about it for four days? YDI.


manderella15 0

If their was a reason you couldn't salt it yourself, you should have mentioned it, but you didn't so YDI for not doing it yourself

you couldn't salt it yourself....? I've been salting the stairs at my house since I was 13 (I'm 20 now) and still do it occasionally when my dad can't.. God forbid you actually do something yourself. and if you knew they were icy as hell you should have been more careful. Ice isn't THAT hard to walk on.. You deserve it. If you're able to walk down the stairs fine (well, up until now that is) then you can get off your ass and salt them

AGGoddess 2

I'm tempted to say YDI for not doing it yourself, but for all we know, maybe the OP is the only one who does any housework, and she just wanted the men to pull their weight around the house. The OP didn't mention any reason why she couldn't do it.

As someone who actually does do all the housework, it is MUCH easier to do something myself instead of bothering my husband about it. This woman (little girl?) waited FOUR DAYS. I feel like I should applaud her patience, but it certainly didn't pay off.

There's no reason to assume she does anything around the house, in fact it's 100% the opposite in this case. There is more proof that she sits around and does nothing in her post then there is proof that she does anything. We can tell by reading that for 4 days she did nothing but pester someone else to do it. We can't tell if she was sitting around doing nothing or doing something.

There's not more proof that she does nothing. It doesn't say 'I sat on the sofa for four days and all I did was tell my husband to salt my drive'. Maybe she spent the whole four days doing the housework and preparing a Christmas dinner, and when she saw her husband she asked 'would you mind saltign the drive? i'm kinda busy.' But NO. Let's ASSUME. Assuming ALWAYS works.

Ok what did you expect him to do, plant a ******* kiss on it? Get over yourself. I know 5 year olds that did the same minus the complaining. If a 5 year old can forget about it so easily, so can you.

Grither76 0

Was there some reason you couldn't salt it yourself? Unless there was a reason why you can't do it that you didn't mention then you deserved it for waiting around expecting someone else to do it for you.

That sucks. You could of done it yourself - or at least the entrance and the stairs. But I agree with 27, that could be the case. And what if she has an injury and can't do it? One year my mom fell and she could barely bend her back - I had to pick up stuff from the floor for her, thus she couldnt do any housework. Dont jump to conclusions :)

Same as basically everyone else has already said... were you incapable of doing it yourself?...

who else is a girl who can put salt down? I agree with the people saying that unless you have a reason for not putting it down your self the FYL If you can do it then YDI (I shoveled my 89 year grandpas house (by myself) and put salt down. I was a 21 year old girl.)

I hope you learned your lesson, salt it yourself next time.

YDI it for being lazy and not doing it yourself