By gracehi - 10/09/2015 17:45 - United States - San Diego

Today, after studying for hours a day for the past month, sacrificing weekends and time with my husband, I finally took the exam required for a possible promotion at work. Out of over a hundred questions, I only knew the answer to 3 of them for sure. Boy, am I glad I studied so hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 678
You deserved it 4 584

gracehi tells us more.

YES? I was waiting for someone to say that! I'm guessing you and I are in the same boat. But who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both be second classes in a few months.

Top comments

I feel like it is less about how op studied and more about what she studied. Trashing hours of her life for 3 answers sounds pretty BS from a standpoint that she didn't study hard enough.


Well he technically didn't say anything wrong

Studying too much can also have a negative effect on you. OP should have taken breaks on some of those weekends.

it takes some talent to study so hard and still **** up, I mean op didn't even mention studying the wrong material so maybe op really doesn't test or study well

cheshirecat13242 32

Sorry, OP! Fid you study the right material..?

Meaniebobeanie 26

Hate to say it but maybe you just aren't fit for the job :/

carlfirebolt 27

at least you tried hard and didn't just walk in there.

I feel like it is less about how op studied and more about what she studied. Trashing hours of her life for 3 answers sounds pretty BS from a standpoint that she didn't study hard enough.

What exactly were you studying the entire time?

foxmatrix15 8

You studied hard. To bad it was wrong book

ChaiseT 16

Well the incentive now is to study even harder.

luckypants 17

I'm curious to know what kind of job you have...

Well I bet you kicked those 3 answers' asses!

Who knows, maybe a 3 is passing on this test?