By gracehi - 10/09/2015 17:45 - United States - San Diego

Today, after studying for hours a day for the past month, sacrificing weekends and time with my husband, I finally took the exam required for a possible promotion at work. Out of over a hundred questions, I only knew the answer to 3 of them for sure. Boy, am I glad I studied so hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 678
You deserved it 4 584

gracehi tells us more.

YES? I was waiting for someone to say that! I'm guessing you and I are in the same boat. But who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both be second classes in a few months.

Top comments

I feel like it is less about how op studied and more about what she studied. Trashing hours of her life for 3 answers sounds pretty BS from a standpoint that she didn't study hard enough.


this from the person who feels the need to correct my tough luck, youre smart and you'll bounce back

You probably did better than you think, OP. Sometimes studying too hard makes you much less sure of yourself - just don't freak out too much. Best of luck!

Sounds like every college test ever made.

You are in the navy aren't you? Didn't do so hot on the 2nd class exam? I know that feel. - FC3

YES? I was waiting for someone to say that! I'm guessing you and I are in the same boat. But who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both be second classes in a few months.

crazymentalblond 25

The Navy exams are painful. Especially if you're lacking in sleep when you go and take them. Good luck on your exam results!

casper88 7

don't stress it. this makes the 8th time Iv taken the second class exam and Iv always missed it by 5 or less points no matter how much I study. worst come to worst you take it again in march

Yep, 36. I'm not sure I slept at all last night. I heard my alarm go off at 4 in the morning and wondered, “Was I even sleeping just now?” I'm on night check so it's hard for me to go to bed and get up early. I wish they'd have a test time for us night checkers.

I don't even think I see my husband when he has an advancement exam unless I'm holding the non-classed flash cards. The next one is going to be an absolute nightmare from what I've been told.

BlockOfRedStone 25

What are you tested on in the exam? Advanced concepts from a variety of subjects?

Queen_of_Night 20

That's funny. In the Air Force, My NCO made me take the E-5 exam even though I was getting out (mostly due to my medical problems). I didn't want to take the rank from someone else so I didn't study. Book was sealed in my car for about 2 years after I left. I was only 10 points away from sewing on a stripe. Sorry guys! Hope you have better careers than I did!

Do you know for sure what you got right? I thought for sure I flunked my state license exam but got 80%. You might have done better than you thought.

crazymentalblond 25

This sounds like the military exams I've taken to make the next rank. Studied for months and still didn't know half the answers.

OP here! Just to clarify, I'm an aircraft maintainer in the US Navy. To be honest, no I don't feel ready for promotion. The sad truth is that I simply have no talent for my job and don't even have the experience to make up for it. If you're in the military, or know anyone in the military, you know that often people get assigned long term duties that have nothing to do with their job title. In my case, I haven't worked on an aircraft in about two years. I'm actually trying to change my job in the Navy. Trouble is, changing your job in the Navy is basically applying for a new job, and if you haven't done well in your current job they won't accept you for a different job. So I have to get promoted in my current job that I'm not good at to be able to get a new job I would be good at. Ain't that a bitch? The good news is that now I'm back in my "real job" and if on the off chance I do get promoted I'll have nearly a year before I actually start in my new responsibilities so hopefully I can catch up. But why did I do so poorly on the test despite my intense studying? Well, the truth is that even though I've spent all my spare time in the past month studying my ass off, I still didn't study enough. That sounds crazy but the amount of material is just insane. It's literally thousands of pages. I should have started studying five months ago rather than one month ago. The reason I didn't start studying sooner is because I was busy with getting married and being transferred across the country during that time. I finally settled into my new home with my new husband a month ago and that's when I started studying. I hoped I'd be able to make up for lost time, but unfortunately even with my intense effort I just wasn't able to study the material thoroughly enough to be confident on the test. Another thing about this test, and anyone in the Navy will confirm it, is that a lot of those questions on the test are things that have absolutely nothing to do with your job and never come up in your work. That's one of the things that makes them so difficult and a poor basis for determining who should be promoted. But there were a few questions I knew because they had come up in my work. To avoid writing a convoluted FML, I simplified the situation. There were only three questions I knew because I studied. The other questions that I knew, I knew because I'd learned them on the job. For the most part, though, I just had to make educated guesses. It's just frustrating because I tried so hard and I don't think it really helped me much. But on the bright side, a lot of people come out of that test thinking they bombed out and then it turns out they qualified for promotion. That's actually what happened to me when I made my current rank. So, who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky. And if I don't make it, I'll take the test again in March and now I've got a pretty good head start because the material probably won't change much.

LostInTheZone11 29

Well at I can give you Congratulations on getting Married.

Thank you! He's wonderful. Poor guy has been neglected, though, and possibly ask for naught. :( But I got us tickets to an improv show this weekend downtown. We'll explore the city and watch the sunset on the beach. We could both use a mini vacation and some quality time... before it's time to start studying again. XP

possibly *all for nothing. Damn my fat fingers.

crazymentalblond 25

My husband and I are a dual-military couple. He's taken the first class exam four times now. I'm eligible for the exam next fall. There is so much material I have never touched as an Electronics Technician it's insane. I've done flash cards, quizzes, and study groups for when I was trying to make second class. Because I too was not working in my rate everything was just a jumbled mess of confusion. What rate are you trying to cross over too? I hope you make rank so you can cross rate. Good luck! P.S. You're not the only one going through that problem. Every exam month my Facebook feed becomes filled with people who didn't know anything on the exams.

Denise1988 13

My husband is an aircraft maintainer in the Air Force. He also studied hard and yesterday found out that he failed by three fricken points. Those tests are designed to make you fail the first time around. On the other hand, he knows a guy who didn't study and made rank on the first try every time.