By metalmeow - 17/06/2019 05:00

Today, after taking care not to hurt myself during my workout, I injured my shoulder extricating myself from my sports bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 696
You deserved it 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some of those things are puzzles. That’s what parents should be making their teen daughters wear. By the time they figure it out, the mood would be killed and it’d be time for curfew.

manb91gb 15

So much for 'supportware' eh?


manb91gb 15

So much for 'supportware' eh?

Some of those things are puzzles. That’s what parents should be making their teen daughters wear. By the time they figure it out, the mood would be killed and it’d be time for curfew.

Dorothy Horsman 8

buy the right size. get measured, it should not be a feat to get out of the bra. as someone who works out a lot and wears tight clothes for my job, this shows me you go a size under to be smaller sounding...

I have done the exact same thing before. totally sucks