By dumb4$$0rz - 23/12/2010 21:01 - United States
Same thing different taste
By dany - 26/05/2012 19:34 - United States - Lancaster
By katsaysner - 17/10/2014 17:56 - United States - Unity
By its ok to cheat!? - 20/02/2013 21:52 - United States - Brisbane
Academia ain't for everyone
By Spoopy Flame III - 18/11/2020 17:02
Self sabotage
By Anonymous - 27/04/2024 15:00 - United States - Normal
By Anonymous - 18/05/2016 17:51 - United States - Westfield
By terrible kenny - 30/01/2011 09:24 - United States
By thestudent - 18/02/2011 09:30 - Philippines
Suspicious minds
By Anonymous - 15/05/2016 22:25 - United States - Phoenixville
By Anonymous - 14/09/2018 03:30
Top comments
What a shame.
YDI for shaving your cat
its called the bell curve google it
No but I bet OP's parents will believe it since the OP thinks people here will If my kid tried that excuse on me, I would immediately call the school and find out if true. Then if it is, sue the living crap out of the school for ripping me off on my kids education, but if not(which is the case here), then I beat the hell out of my kid for lying to me and making me look like a jackass to his teacher
im with you, why would a school have a maximum class average policy? what is this, no chld left behind to the extreme?
one reason they might have a "maximum class average would be to prevent those super soft teachers who are too nice to fail anyone from just giving everyone good marks.
I have the same policy at my university (though it's not really dicussed much, it *was* mentioned a few times), which is why all our profs mark us mercilessly just so they won't have high-average-associated problems later on with the department head. OP, while I can understand your situation, you should still work harder. They couldn't have lowered everyone's grades THAT much... unless you were barely passing and that couple of % pushed you under 50%.
Where the hell do you go to school where a 50% is a passing grade? Do you get an A+ for spelling your name right? Sorry to sound condescending, I know it isn't your fault, but being able to pass on that low a percentage is absurd and the lowest I have ever heard of. Around where I am 60% is the average lowest passing grade you can get, and at my school 70% is the lowest.
I don't know if school allowed to do that. but this happened to me once. and I ended up dropping by one grade.
Actually the school that I attend allow you to pass the course with a 50% average. Most of the if you originally had a 48 or 49% they bump it up to a 50% to allow you to obtain the credit.
50% is passing? My degree, anything below a 75% was failing for certain classes I had a professor who took 1% off for every homework assignment not turned in as well. If you didn't do any homework and got all A's on the tests, the highest your grade could be was a C+
I think in most high schools, a pass is 50% but in university or college a 70-75 is minimum.
over here, students are not forced to turn in any homework, because we're organized enough to have all the solutions from previous years and TAs are too lazy to write new homework. they realize it's pointless.
at my school its 65% wtf we got gyped!
50%? sheesh, at my school it's 70%, 75% for any advanced placement classes.
my schools got 50% passing grade, but we also have duct tape on the floors and roof...
...prolly gonna be creepy... but... belmont?
@Ran3 in my course (advanced programming) anything below 80% at any exam during the course and you fail and can't follow the rest of the session...
Pretty much.
Well someone has has got to finish at the bottom of the class.
Yeah, but if everyone learns just a little bit, even the lowest mark won't be insufficient. It happens, you know?
i never studdy and i usualy get 70's or higher
that's because you don't study anything important.
Thats still a terrible mark.
That's really weird. I never heard of such a policy. Maybe your professor just didn't like your class.
Are you saying that wherever you live there's a limit of how good people can be at cerain things? Get the **** out of there, right this instant!

Are they even allowed to do that?
"My class was too smart" is a fancy way of saying "I was too stupid"