By Anonymous - 05/02/2013 06:40 - United States - Northbrook

Today, after trying to convince my girlfriend to have sex for almost 16 months, she finally said yes. I couldn't get it up the second she said it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 146
You deserved it 39 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vadaaa 11

Why did you try to convince your girlfriend for sex for 16 months? Didn't it dawn on you after the first attempt that no means no and she will when she is ready to?


i have been in the same boat....not good for the ego at all.

PieknyCzlowiek 7

Everyone is different and when it comes to that, depending on your age and/or disablilties, it may make it worse. I myself have diabetes and it is sometimes hard to get it up but just let your girl know you mean well and hope she understands. If she doesn't, she may not be worth your time.

YDI for being a pushy asshole. If you loved her, you'd wait until she was ready, rather than pressuring her. If you just want sex, there are plenty of slutty girls out there.

LarissaT18 18

Lay off. Seems like you just wanted sex out of the relationship.

thatnewgirl 16

no offense but your a dick. you shouldn't push her into doing something she doesn't want to do. you should have waited till she was ready and told you herself she prob just said yes to shut you up.

OP, that's definitely not okay. Nobody should ever pressure someone into doing something they are clearly not comfortable with. YDI