By scribbles1475 - 15/12/2011 05:00 - United States

Today, after trying to find the perfect picture for the guy I have a huge crush on, I finally found one and sent it to him. His return picture? Himself in a Batman mask and sombrero. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 827
You deserved it 10 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What!?!? Batman isn't sexy enough for you? A sultry Mexican batman at that too. Your one of those robin girls aren't you. freak!!!


brenda83002 2

What do you expect? He's a guy? Was trying to be goofy. No big deal. Why is this FML?

ArielTheMermaid 17

:D It was meant to be! Bat-Taco-man!

Well it was his choice to send whatever picture he wanted to. It's not like you asked for the perfect picture, nor does it seem like it mattered. Instead of a picture, why not go and just look at the real person instead?

Rainchikmoo 6

Batman? And a sombrero? Oooh sounds like a keeper ;)

Well, if he ever does something to piss you off, you now have the dirt. No digging required.