By arsewipe92 - 30/08/2009 04:16 - United States
arsewipe92 tells us more.
Boy, was my first time memorable. Still, when I recover, it's all bareback for me, I guess. :/
Top comments
Flipping, they have not failed once on me....there are more brands available now then even two years ago when I found out about mine, though.
I used the Trojan brand. Im not saying they are going to fail everyone and that they are horrible. No condom is 100% safe. Ive read elsewhere that non-latex arent as reliable as latex and Im pretty sure most brands dont protect against STDs either. I was just saying that I used them, cautiously and responsibly, and I got pregnant.
i am also allergic to latex. they DO make latex free condoms, but i would be careful with those as well. my allergy is not only latex, but rubber in general, so although it takes me a lot longer to have a milder reaction to non latex condoms, i still have one. lifestyle "skin" would be a good place to start, and durex makes a non latex condom that i ALMOST didn't react to at all. but prepare yourself, because non latex condoms are more expensive. you definitely want to get on some form of birth control, but if your boyfriend wasn't a virgin too, then you both ought to get tested for STDs before you try going without a condom.
i'm allergic to latex as well tho not severely, there is another kind called avanti, but because its made from polyurethane film it is VERY thin and breaks easily, i deal with the uncomfortableness. It also does not come in large or 'magnum' which my man is. So i understand your problem and i kno it sucks fYL
OMG the same thing happend to me twice...... WTF am i really that stupid yeah i am twice..... wowwwwwwww try explaining that to ur mom i am such a dumbass i'm 13.... now i get the 'the sex talk' every day i'm allways happy to go to school.... i'm sick today.................................. and i mean EVERY DAY.................... i should get a award for being that ******* stupid awkward .......................................
Ouch, that must have sucked. However, (you may well know this already) you can get latex-free condoms. Now that you know you're allergic, I'd look into getting some if I were you.
While I personally have made the decision not to have sex yet, so I haven't looked into condoms, I'm sure there are some kinds that are non-latex. Don't have to go bareback... the non-latex ones may be harder to find, but I'm sure they're out there.