By arsewipe92 - 30/08/2009 04:16 - United States
arsewipe92 tells us more.
Boy, was my first time memorable. Still, when I recover, it's all bareback for me, I guess. :/
Top comments
When I saw latex, the first thing I thought of was a kinky latex body suit, not condoms. Shows where my mind is, eh?
Did you see this on 1000 Ways to Die? It was defiantly an episode.
Hahahaha. Oh yes, I did.
Shit, I saw that too. It was so horribly sad. Would HATE to die that way, lol
im allergic to latex to! it sucks so much. if i wear latex gloves, i get this horrible rash. so yeah, i see how this is a FML. i dont want to know how that rash would feel in my vag. loll yeah, use non-latex condoms or get birth control. im sure youve learned your lesson. sorry that happened. i hate the stupid rash.
At*. Asshole.
How did you grow up not knowing you were allergic to latex? Did you never play with balloons?
That sucks... they do make latex free condoms but they can get pricey...
It's karma. you should of married him first. ydi
Nice to see some outdated wisdom from the 40+ religious folks.
Ouch, that must have sucked. However, (you may well know this already) you can get latex-free condoms. Now that you know you're allergic, I'd look into getting some if I were you.
While I personally have made the decision not to have sex yet, so I haven't looked into condoms, I'm sure there are some kinds that are non-latex. Don't have to go bareback... the non-latex ones may be harder to find, but I'm sure they're out there.