By justmyluck - 26/08/2011 05:28 - Australia

Today, after waiting 3 months, I finally got my wedding dress back from the dry-cleaners. The dry cleaning lasted longer than the marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 456
You deserved it 10 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slushpup9696 12

Maybe pick the person you're marrying better and don't rush into things before you're ready for them.

Dry cleaning, takes forever doesn't it.


nachtfee 9

i like how many people are assuming she MUST have rushed into the marriage just because it fell apart quickly. there's a huge difference between dating someone and being married to them, especially if you wait until you're married to move in with that person. things can change quickly.

This is why we marry men we've known for more than 24 hours.

herop 0

Oh :( you can go to the court!

jkrdaw 0
madyx07 11
kuhnage 8

You deserve it Kim Kardashian

jordyxjigsaw 11
Vicci_Love 6