By justmyluck - 26/08/2011 05:28 - Australia

Today, after waiting 3 months, I finally got my wedding dress back from the dry-cleaners. The dry cleaning lasted longer than the marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 456
You deserved it 10 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slushpup9696 12

Maybe pick the person you're marrying better and don't rush into things before you're ready for them.

Dry cleaning, takes forever doesn't it.


hatorimitsume 0
muchagente 5

well, if you are one of those who wait, at least you finally had sex.

leadman1989 15

This is a prime example of why gay people shouldn't be able to get married!!! -- SARCASM -- Op was most likely straight, everyone deserves marriage equality.

leadman1989 15

Oh my god people are STUPID!!!! I knew I would get thumbed down so I put SARCASM and then how I really felt unless they're just bigoted homophobes I don't see how they didn't understand.

jellitonoctopus 19

Stop bitchin', what you said wasn't even funny to begin with. Calm down.

Yea it really had nothing to do with op's post. It was just a jerk move, even if it was a joke.

bustub2 8
a_nutritionist 10

im guessing, like me, everyone thumbed it down cos it was a crap comment. its like going ydi ******, just kidding, racism sucks. its still just a shit comment.

Parazad 16
kablooey_01 3

why do people keep saying not to rush, how do you know what their situation is? they could have been together for 2 years and after they got married, realize that things werent what they'd hoped they'd be.

sbsq11 0

It's says the marriage lasted less than 3 months.

sbsq11 0

If it ended that abruptly, then they probably didn't think it out.

ReynshineCutting 10

They could have been together for years before getting married. We don't know the whole story which is common on fmls.

jumble 12

But still, sometimes being married changes how people act. And they could have realized then that they didn't like the other as much as they did. Even if it was a two year or more relationship before that, things could change. Or one of them may have been cheating or abusive after they got married, so things ended. It's not right to assume they took things too fast if you don't know the whole story.

a_nutritionist 10

if you were at a point of terminating the marriage then youd know something was wrong 3 months before. besides, what happened to "working things out"? you cant honestly say you tried to fix problems and ended the relationship in under 3 months. i can only see this being legitimate if someone cheated. even if the individuals change after marriage, 3 months is way too soon. either youre prepared to work through issues or dont get married. youre wasting the time of the people who attended, as well as their money.

leadman1989 15

That must have been one helluva stain... You're lucky you made it out alive with all of your limbs.

Why are so many people under the impressing that OP got married "too soon"? Marriages don't only end because of the length in which they were dating before they get married