By lovedontlivehere - 23/09/2010 23:49 - United States

Today, after waiting all day to get into my favorite band's concert, I got front row. At the end, one of them grabbed my CD and got the whole band to sign it. The last band member tossed it into the crowd, nowhere near me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 068
You deserved it 3 146

lovedontliveher tells us more.

hey guys OP here. it was at the Hard Rock Live show in orlando. the kick off of the lady antebellum need you now tour. i handed my cd to dave haywood, who gave it to hillary scott, who gave it to charles kelley who then tossed it into the crowd. and by front row i meant i was in the 'front' since it was gen admission. believe me it really happened, i would have never in a million years thought up this.

Top comments

What the hell!? Ummm...nice gesture and all...but ouch....I'm sorry, darling...


IWantLamingtons 4

that really sucks..sorry for ya :(

@71 Natalie tran reference maybe? ehhh? lamingtons? yeah?

i hate when bands do that :( marilyn manson took a kid's phone once, called his mum, said stupid stuff then threw the phone into the crowd :/

Well Marilyn Manson is a dick! urgh, I hate him so much.

duckie227 22

that's why you have them sign your boobs

Yeah! Good luck having *THAT* thrown to the crowd!

Maybe you shoulda went to them an said that was your CD and they probably woulda given you something better =]

I would probably cry if this happened to me. :'[ FYL to the max.

I would've cried if it were my favorite band, because they LOVE to throw things into the crowd. FYL.

Sleekhope 0

Darn! Very very disheartening.

hey guys OP here. it was at the Hard Rock Live show in orlando. the kick off of the lady antebellum need you now tour. i handed my cd to dave haywood, who gave it to hillary scott, who gave it to charles kelley who then tossed it into the crowd. and by front row i meant i was in the 'front' since it was gen admission. believe me it really happened, i would have never in a million years thought up this.

Write to the band (or their manager) and explain what happened. Maybe they'll send you a new one.

iBiteRoses 22

That really sucks for you! I'd demand a new one!!!

they're a pretty awesome group. I'm sure if you explain the situation they'd probably send you a new one