By Anonymous - 01/07/2011 05:56 - United States

Today, after weeks, I've finally reached my goal and lost 10 lbs. My sister got jealous about me losing weight, and told my parents and coworkers that I'm anorexic. Hello, intervention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 254
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kickazz16 15

ignore her. you're amazing for completing that hard goal and congrats! keep it up!

TripOnShoelaces 0

Tell them about her having an over-eating disorder. Works the same way.


Free_Candy 0

Does your sister realize that if anorexic you would gain weight not lose it. The only way you would lose weight is if you were anorexic for months.

im_bored_tired 12

anorexic people don't eat. so how would they gain weight if they don't eat?

KattAlex 4

Anorexia is a eating disorder where people suffering from the disease don't eat to lose weight and fear that they will gain weight if they do eat. Since, the body is taking in no nourishment it will begin to consume its own muscle and fat. So, the victim will be losing weight not gaining it.

And this is about the time you tell everyone that she has overeating issues

RC4524 0

has no one noticed that she lost ten pounds in two weeks? that is not something you can do with proper diet and exercise. her family has every right to investigate. sorry op, ydi.

RC4524 0

I guess I mean to say you can't do it in a healthy manner. Safe weight loss is 1/2 - 1 lb / week. anything faster than that is very bad for you, and your metabolism will slow way down and the weight will come back. I recently had a friend have to get their gallbladder out after years of yoyo dieting.

Don't you just hate bitchy, jealous sisters?

I'm sorry that happen to you. That's so lame! But just FYI, after you burn off fat, you should actually try and gain weight by building muscle. Muscle weighs more that fat. So instead of marking how great you're doing by a scale, it's better to go by measurements and clothes sizes. I hope this helps, and just ignore you're sister. BTW, you're gorgeous just the way you are. As long as you're gorgeous on the inside! :D

Great job!!!! Not an easy task!!!!!

Americans don't half go overboard, don't they! Why the hell would you need an intervention?

doglover100 28

She should've just been quiet. If she's jealous she should try to loose weight.

mimi809o 21

good job!!!! but your sister is one bitch -.-"