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By Tasha84 - 20/11/2010 05:21 - United States

Today, I got an electric razor and a lesson from my dad on how to shave my mustache and chin. I also got my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 887
You deserved it 4 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

finally someone who could answer whether being kicked in the balls or pregnancy hurts more...

having to walk around with 50 extra pounds and then giving birth has killed women before. ever heard the term 'she died in child birth' yeah well ur penis can survive one kick if it needs to


finally someone who could answer whether being kicked in the balls or pregnancy hurts more...

cyaneyedangel 2

of course being kicked in the balls would hurt more.....a woman's body is designed to go through all those changes, and then POP out a kid, a mans balls were not designed to be kicked.

LOL, yeah, tell us OP, which is worse?!

having to walk around with 50 extra pounds and then giving birth has killed women before. ever heard the term 'she died in child birth' yeah well ur penis can survive one kick if it needs to

you obviously haven't delivered to pretend is less painful!

I'm going to guess that 20 is either joking or she's really a man.

okay think of it this way. after pregnancy after a year or so the woman would be like let's try for a next child. on the other hand you never hear a man say. jack, kick me in my balls again.

Well since us women get our periods every month, guys should get a kick in the balls once a month.

can't agree with you , ever heard of those creepy men who likes their balls busted ?

45 - I know you're joking, but that idea's a bit flawed... girls can get cramps as a side effect of their period, whereas a guy being kicked in the balls will just hurt (and damage the little fellers).

cyaneyedangel 2

33 yeah, I have had a child actually, but nice presumption! 40-I just laughed so hard, my thoughts exactly!

teddygraham1 1

think about it this way, a man can get over being kicked in the balls without any medication... majority of women have some sort of medication either during or after labor to deal with their pains. also, the pain from being kicked in the balls goes away in less than a day, most women are in labor for more than that and aren't allowed any meds til almost the very end. imagine the pain of having a grape (or something slightly larger)come out the tip of your penis, that's probably about the equivalence of a woman pushing out a baby since our bodies accomodate for the babies head and body to come out.

cyaneyedangel 2

the large majority of women get their pain relief right at the beginning of labour, so feel very little pain. I work in a hospital, and have seen men in the emergency room with ruptures and other injuries, some very serious, from being kicked in the nuts.

teddygraham1 1

maybe it depends on the hospital and doctors, I know a lot of women who have had babies this year and I've got a friend in labor right now, doctors won't give them anything to relieve their pain until they're over halfway done. no one I know has gotten meds early on.

McBurgar 0

#46 You ask if we've ever heard a guy ask to get kicked in the balls, you ever hear a girl ask for her period?

cradle6 13

Having every guy kicked in balls monthly would effectively sterilize our species. good thinking.

bridawg 0

if everyone thought the way Daniela does there would be no children anymore because men would be hit so hard in the balls they couldn't have kids anymore lol

VolleyballSMASH 1

#66- One-Night Stand w/ no protection. Not that I'd ever do that. cyaneyedangel- You hospital is starting to seem pretty shady. teddybear- Agreed. whomever- NOT THiS AGAIN!

ITrollYourFail 0

Well, you see, a woman usually haves a baby because she wants to. A man gets kicked n the

ITrollYourFail 0

Well, a woman usually had a baby because she wants one. A man gets kicked in the ball whenever someone gets pissed at him. And don't tell me, "Oh, well you've never went through childbirth." I guess you're forgetting that men can have kidney stones, which are the equivalency of childbirth. Having a baby = usually because the girl wanted one. Kidney stones/ getting kicked in the balls = no warning whatsoever.

ITrollYourFail 0

Well, a woman usually had a baby because she wants one. A man gets kicked in the ball whenever someone gets pissed at him. And don't tell me, "Oh, well you've never went through childbirth." I guess you're forgetting that men can have kidney stones, which are the equivalency of childbirth. Having a baby = usually because the girl wanted one. Kidney stones/ getting kicked in the balls = no warning whatsoever.

Guys haveing a baby is worse i wouldnt know but my teacher told my class a couple of years ago. The real question should be what hurts more getting hit in the balls or hit in the boob. O.o

Period=Natural A kick in the balls=Not natural

being kicked in the balls isn't compared to period pain it's compared to childbirth

20, how do u know they weren't designed to be kicked? You don't know that.

Yea. Once everyday for a week, guys should get a nice kick in the balls. That seems about fair.

@ITrollYourFail Women can get kidney stones as well, they are not a male only condition so you really shouldn't present it as such. They also hurt like hell in both men and women because in both cases they have to pass though the urinary tract.

Chances for a woman to get a kidney stone are significantly less. Also, if men get kicked in the balls too hard, they might lose one( or two.)

LOL you think that the baby just slips out with only pain for a minute? No, there's cramps beforehand, ripping as it comes out, and being sore down there with stitches after. If your not kicked in the balls super hard, I doubt any of that happens.

Yeah, 'cause being kicked in the balls often lasts for several days -- oh wait. No. No it doesn't.

After going through labor and delivery you get to be a mother. For most women that makes it worth the pain. Of course you don't want to get kicked in the balls again when you get nothing out of it.

Most women in the world give birth with no pain medication or epidural. It only makes sense to compare the two experiences as they would be without any outside interference -- no medication. Also, a kick in the balls that resulted in severe internal injury would be analogous to a birth with serious complications, not an average one that went as planned. Using the first as the basis of comparison for the third really isn't valid.

75: I was going to bitch at you, but your name explains a lot.

LDP2 0

75, don't waste your time trying to compare kidney stones and childbirth. Men, will never understand the pain of childbirth.

FTC_Socialist 3

Who cares which hurts more? I can't believe all the comments. Everyone knows childbirth hurts, and it's not a contest. Also epidurals are given after dilation, otherwise the cervix may not contract and pregnancy would no longer proceed. Let my stance on this be known though, since I took the time to write this. A man will never know the pain of pregnancy; a woman will never know the pain of trauma to the testes. This argument is futile, and begging to become a flame war. Oh, the kidney stone thing -- a man's urethra is much longer and stones have a greater distance to travel. This results in more damage in the male than female, ergo: male kidney stones are much more painful than women's stones.

well every woman who has a child alwas says its worth it in the end so at least they can be like this is gonna be worth it. when a guy gets kickes in the balls there is absolutly nothing at all that is worth while

TheDamnDrifter 1

Why do we have to suffer? Its NOT OUR fault ur not "lucky"

Actually, I must disagree with a comment made further down the thread. I didn't bother looking for the number, because i have better things to do. Someone said a male cannot die from trauma to the groin region, this is very untrue. IF and ONLY IF the damage is done quickly enough, and enough is done, the mind will go into shock. In some males this can trigger heart failure or something else along those lines. So, please, read about these things before you post. Ignorance is not bliss.

onlywhenyourdrea 0

Yes because no women suffer injuries because of childbirth...*ahem DEATH?!*

athena3100 9

Not all girls do that. Hell, they might not have even wanted the first!!

athena3100 9

Getting hit in the boob hurts like a mother fcker!!!

did you know if you get hit in the balls hard enough you can die? I think its a level playing field. (go into shock from being hit so hard and heart giving out if you wanted to know how)

oreokitty95 0
CremeEggs 6

After going through childbirth and gallstones, I can tell you's that childbirth is worse, pain wise. Yes the gallstones were more constant, but that "ring of fire" they talk about when the baby moves through the cervix, fudge that burns. Not only that, but the contractions on top of that, and the possibility of being ripped/cut. Then there's those born breach, now apparently, they're even worse. Now, I'm not saying this because I'm female, but yes, I do believe that women are the stronger sex. Only because we are willing to go through all that again (and in some cases, again, and again, and again etc)

I don't even remember what the original post was about anymore...

Guess what all of you guys? Does it take nine months of carrying around a child in your stomach to get kicked down there? Do you have morning sickness to get kicked? I didn't think so! So shut up and have a baby, then say something!

ilovemarkhoppus 14

#66 actually yeah if they miss it, I've heard some beg for their period

"the stronger sex". Put a can in it for fucksake. Every girl thinks they are the stronger sex because they have to deal with childbirth and periods. Guys have painful things happening in different ways. No one is forcing you to do this shit. Stop acting like you are above males because of it

knibbsy 4

What mountain range are you from, OP? I could make millions proving that there are female Bigfoot's.

myst15 0

there's only one mountain range in texas -_-

titin_rubini 0

ow sorry dat sucks. but better to do IPL (laser) or wax, seriously, or they'll grow thicker n longer.

No, they don't grow thicker. That's a myth.

#15 They don't grow thicker but the hair splits making it look like there is more hair.

brebee99 0

Trust me it is a myth. 18 is correct though.

47 - So if a woman doesn't get laser hair removal, she gets stubble and can grow a beard? Strange world, isn't it?

samiboy9 0

what is the point in arguing about the most retarded thing in the world sheesh

actually shaving doesn't make hair grow back thicker, longer, or darker, so ot really doesn't matter

The peoples of FML are on good form tonight! These comments are hil-arr-ious!

Tasha84, please don't tell me that you're 26 and just learning to shave. You should have learned before that. Hopefully you just like the number 84...

The face is indeed where the chin is located on a human body.

really? I thought the chin was located on the back. thank you for enlightening me on the subject