By hulio88 - 07/12/2010 00:37

Today, after years of hard work, I had an interview at the highest ranking university in the world 800 miles from where I live. It snowed heavily for the last 2 days closing every road, railway, and airport causing me to miss the interview. There is no rescheduling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 603
You deserved it 2 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why can't it be rescheduled? Shouldn't have been possible for your interviewer to make it either...

I think that's rather unlikely to be honest, and if they did tell you that then I would be having some serious words. I had an interview for Cambridge yesterday in the UK and they were incredibly accomodating to applicants that couldn't get in from even 20 miles away.


ulicksam 0

If it snowed for 2 days, a normal intelligent person would know to not wait until the last minute to go and would have enough time to make sure they get there anyway. YDI and probably aren't smart enough to make it into the "highest ranking university in the world" anyway.

RedPillSucks 31

@40 Who goes to the airport two days ahead of a flight?

CherryBomb511 3

I think 40 meant that they should have rescheduled the flight to before the snow storm.

notsofriendly 17

usually when snow is predicted in my area it flurries and nothing even makes it to the ground. this weekend there was no prediction and yet it snowed 2 inches. you're assuming that it'd even be a good decision to kill around $200 to change the flight plus two nights in a hotel room to make this appointment that, if there were really such weather conditions, logically should be rescheduled anyway. i suppose if we're accounting for unlikely circumstances, he could have hired a security guard to make sure he wouldn't get assassinated along the way, too.

You physically cant plan for snow storms that force the government to close the roads.

u should ask them , snow is ****** out of your control

Tikwichka 5

Northern Scotland is probably a good 800 miles from Cambridge.

Michigan_Girl 0

That's not're not mother nature, it's not your fault it snowed!

According to Google maps, Cambridge to John O'Groats is around 630-650 miles depending on your route. To be honest though, I can pretty much guarantee OP is talking about an American university. The 'Cambridge' thing is completely academic. (No pun intended.)

Trust me, you don't want to attend a place that treats its applicants like that. If it treats the people who may agree to give them money with that little respect, then it will treat the people who have already given them money even worse. Been there, done that, not worth it.

AHAHAHAHAAhahahHAHAHAaaaa! Ahhh, you're a good guy, Triumvirate.

I wonder if OP was exaggerating for the sake of the FML. Because, really, do people in the UK often use "miles" to describe long distances? It makes more sense to think the university is in the US, as the country is quite vast. However, OP did mention airports being closed, so he could still mean Cambridge and just live in continental Europe.