By TicketMePink - 20/05/2016 05:57 - United States

Today, an officer ticketed me for texting while driving. Apparently, getting dumped costs $180. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 420
You deserved it 21 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just because it's a breakup text doesn't mean it's a freebie.

I mean, either way you shouldn't have been texting.


be glad. i would have lost my licese for that, becaue I am a new driver.

Dumbass, texting and driving has been illegal for years, they don't give a damn if you got dumped

No. It costs $180 to text and drive. It does not matter what the text was saying. You shouldn't have been looking at your phone at all.

Muskrat777 13

fyl for the breakup but ydi for texting while driving. Atleast pullover.

Getting dumped is free. Being negligent on the road cost you $180.00. Next time pull your vehicle over to check your phone or your next FML will be you sitting in a jail cell awaiting trial for manslaughter.

lovit345 11

Not really sympathetic here. No matter when during your drive you looked at your phone and texted, that is very unsafe. You could have killed someone, or yourself!

No, being an idiot and texting while driving cost you $180. ydi

Actually no. I've been dumped before. It was free... but I didn't break the law while they broke my heart