By MomStayOutOfTheCar - 04/08/2015 04:23 - United States

Today, I got a ticket for "suspicious driving" because my total shit of a mother kept tugging on the wheel to annoy me, and I still had to pay it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 003
You deserved it 2 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time make her sit in the back, just don't let her drive with you at all.

mom_of_5 10

Next time, tell her you'll turn the car around and NO ONE will be getting ice cream :-) On a more serious note, in majority of traffic tickets if you take the time to actually go to court and plead no contest, they'll waive the ticket and have you pay just court costs.


Next time make her sit in the back, just don't let her drive with you at all.

Yeah or she should have to pay for the ticket!!

AwkwardKryssi 14

I agree with #1. If she wants to act, like a child treat her like one. Plus, what if she tugged the wheel too hard and got you guys in an accident? Smh.

I agree. I would just worry about Op's mom being a backseat driver. Those are horrible.

Agreed, let her sit in the back, "Driving Miss Daisy" style!

ChadHelton 8

or kick her out of the car and make her walk? family or not thats ****** up and dangerous.

Next time she drives.. I suspect you'll do the same thing!

Why is this being thumbed up?! Tugging the wheel while someone is driving is a recipe for a death or 4 and a highly likely cause of them getting arrested.

1dvs_bstd 41

#38 It's fml.. it's chain reaction when it comes to voting.

your mom sounds kinda nuts OP playing in a car like that is outta this world dangerous idk if i d drive with her like ever

You dont get ticketed for suspicious driving. You may be detained and have to do a BAC or field sobriety test, but suspicious driving isn't an offense you get cited for.

mads_nicole 19

Your mom should really be paying that ticket..let her know that's not cool and maybe make her drive instead of you for a while at least.

mom_of_5 10

Next time, tell her you'll turn the car around and NO ONE will be getting ice cream :-) On a more serious note, in majority of traffic tickets if you take the time to actually go to court and plead no contest, they'll waive the ticket and have you pay just court costs.

but sometimes court costs are higher than the ticket.

mom_of_5 10

I guess that's a perk to living in a small town. Our court costs are typically $15-$20.

If it was me she'd be paying the ticket. Providing that's all that warranted the ticket

oakcrush 16

Mom up for serious talk. That what she did was dangerous for you both and for others on the road. Ticket well earned, just not for you.

This does suck, but of course you still have to pay it. If you were driving it was your responsibility. If your mother is creating a situation that is dangerous for others on the road then you should pull over until you can resolve the situation.

I am pretty sure the "I still had to pay it" was more a complaint about the fact that Mom created the problem, mom is old enough to know better, but mom did not pay the ticket. It wasn't a statement meaning the ticket wasn't earned just that the person who actually should have been paying it didn't pay for it.