By Suprise - 17/08/2013 04:38 - United States

Today, as I returned home, I noticed some movement inside my house. Thinking it was a break-in, I called 911. It was my friends and some coworkers trying to throw me a surprise birthday party. Nobody's said a word to me since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 095
You deserved it 8 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eh - Screw them if they can't realize the completely logical reaction you had to noticing suspicious movement within your own home. You made the right decision.


lightanddark 17

you couldn't have known. Though not the best decision, but a rational one a that

alluringtatas 7

I mean did they get arrested or something? How stupid are your friends and family that they would actually be upset that police officers showed up? You were still surprised. If I heard noises in my house I'd call the police too. Sorry if I "ruin" a party by not wanting to be raped and murdered in my living room. FYL op. Happy Birthday!!

At least you don't have to expect one next year!

Your friends just threw you a surprise party, quit your bitchin

Talk about paranoid, jeez.. Learn to chill out OP!

So OP is supposed to just assume the best when they see something potentially dangerous?

So, if one day you arrived home and saw/heard people moving around in your house, you'd just assume it's your friends randomly throwing you a party?

Well if you live alone, then I agree with you. Especially if you're a girl. If I saw something move inside my house, I wouldn't go check it out first if there's any chance I'd walk in on a stranger. I don't even see why they're giving you the silent treatment... It's not like they're in any trouble. If anything, wouldn't you be getting charged since it's not a real emergency?

JoseIsAdork 31

please tell me that one if the officers was at least a part time stripper too. could have turned that party around ^_^

Definitely not your fault. If they can't understand, you don't need them as friends.