By Suprise - 17/08/2013 04:38 - United States

Today, as I returned home, I noticed some movement inside my house. Thinking it was a break-in, I called 911. It was my friends and some coworkers trying to throw me a surprise birthday party. Nobody's said a word to me since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 095
You deserved it 8 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eh - Screw them if they can't realize the completely logical reaction you had to noticing suspicious movement within your own home. You made the right decision.


RedPillSucks 31

I can imagine people getting shot by the cops as they jump out and yell "surprise!!!"

tediruxe 13

What did they expect? Immature hunch

cheer21moose 13

Out of curiosity.... How did they get in?

Indianaones15 1

That is an exact plot from Parks and Recreation

I'm sure other people would do the same.

HorrorJr 26