By georgiana072 - 22/09/2009 07:36 - Philippines

Today, as I was coming out of the ladies' room, I saw a guy glancing at me. A few minutes later, I saw him coming at me at a fast rate. I decided to run from him. As I got out of the building and into a cab, I saw him from the window waving my phone at me. He was just trying to return it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 623
You deserved it 47 472

Same thing different taste


Oh, guys like a chase. I bet this same story will show up as a "Dear Penthouse:"

I bet he looked your number up on your phone before giving it back. Now he has your number. You'll never get rid of him. Plus, with good enough stalker skills, he can find out where you live. You DO have reason to be concerned!

I would never! You're way too awesome. =) At least your pic is of a hottie, though not as much of a hottie as you.

ithedarkone 0

WOW way to think your all that right... Wrong. You are a Stuck up bitch ain't no one trying to rape your ugly ass HOE SIT DOWN! I hate when girls think just because a guy looks at you they think there the hottest shit to come out since slice bread. Maybe next time you won't be such a snob.

FYL. Unfortunately, when women are continually attacked, they all start to feel more suspicious of strangers. Perhaps the OP lives in an area with lots of crime and had good reason to be wary. And I think too often men don't realize how they come off and unintentionally make women feel uncomfortable. That guy could have called out and said "hey, I think you left your phone" or something to make it clear.

For the record, the most common motivation for rapists is hatred and the need for power/control, not sexual attraction.

So many crazy people out there these days, so I don't blame you for freaking out. He could have at least shouted that he had your cell phone or something so that he wouldn't seem like a maniac who is just about to attack you. I guess you can say it is better to be safe than sorry!

If this happened in a deserted area then I could understand you running off. As it is, since you caught a cab so quickly, it sounds like you were in a populated area, which means you let your fears get the best of you and override your logic. YDI.