By georgiana072 - 22/09/2009 07:36 - Philippines

Today, as I was coming out of the ladies' room, I saw a guy glancing at me. A few minutes later, I saw him coming at me at a fast rate. I decided to run from him. As I got out of the building and into a cab, I saw him from the window waving my phone at me. He was just trying to return it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 623
You deserved it 47 472

Same thing different taste


Teeheeyoufail 0

Same thing happened to me with 50 bucks I had in my pocket... >:/

lilysmiles143 0

Did you get your phone back?

I can't say you deserve it time just look around..if it was a shopping mall or a crowded place no one's gonna kill or rape you

I clicked 'ydi'... but then I saw you posted this from the Philippines. From what I've heard, your paranoia was justified.