By spinster - 16/09/2015 02:10 - United States - Lubbock

Today, as I was creeping on social media, I realized that literally everyone I've ever dated is either happily married, engaged, or in a relationship. My last date was at the beginning of the summer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 340
You deserved it 3 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No dates in 3 or 4 months? Wow, you really have it tough. /sarcasm

Who cares? Sometimes it's more fun to be single, embrace it :)


im_a_black_guy 10

Your not alone bro I been single since I turned 18 And all my exs are in a relationship and happy

Being happy when single is the way to go ... The rest will come alone.

Don't worry I am 35 and I have had 3 very long term relationships that just weren't marriage worthy. So stay strong and you will meet your person!

There's a movie called good luck chuck. That's the story.

atomicxsarah 17

Same here I know how you feel.. :/