By happysingleone - 20/12/2016 07:37

Today, the last of my college friends is getting married and now I'm the last single one. Don't worry though, if one ever gets a divorce we can hang out again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 901
You deserved it 1 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

neuronerd 28

Have they actually told you that, or said they only want to hang out with married couples? Several of my friends are married, and we still hang out regularly.

Lolarose94 2

Marriage won't stop them from hanging out with you, if they really cared !!!


It's so sad how relationships can negatively affect friendships...

JustinJK 21

One of my friends boyfriends gets annoyed because she spends more time with me and I buy her nicer gifts. lol

bsshooter 14

be male or female or something in between. friends, buy friends things because why not, or just cause. that's life.

Tell me about it. My "best friend" of four years, who helped me with depression, self-harm, high school, and all the curveballs that life threw, just abruptly stopped talking to me because she got a boyfriend. I supported her as much or even more than she supported me, and she just walked away without explanation. We did everything together. She was like a sister to me. She left two years ago and it still hurts sometimes. Maybe she was just using me because she didn't want to be alone.

Have you ever thought of adopting a cat? If you want to be the single stereotype, make the effort and go all the way dude

Well according to statics you have a 50% chance of getting each friend back. Kinda depressing for them though.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Never wish ill will to get what you want.

neuronerd 28

Have they actually told you that, or said they only want to hang out with married couples? Several of my friends are married, and we still hang out regularly.

Some people find that to be kinda strained, especially when the couple has kids.

It doesn't really matter what they say so much as what they do. All of my married/coupled friends are pretty much MIA. They don't follow through on arrangements.

I agree with 7. Just because a friend is married doesn't mean they can never hang out. They might be busier, sure, but if they care, they'll find a way to make at least a little time for you. If not, well, that tells you how they prioritize you in their lives.

This may mean it's time to make new friends OP.

Why did this comment get so many downvotes?

becca9985 34

That's what I hate about my friends' getting married. I totally support them and I'm so happy for them, but, no matter how good our intentions are to continue hanging out on occasion or going out for a meal once a month or so, those plans start falling apart so quickly, and before I know it, we're no longer talking. I still consider them friends and we exchange emails and FB messages every few months, but it's not the same. It's the curse of singles mixing with married couples, I guess. Best of luck to you and I hope your friendship survives it!