By Anonymous - 20/05/2016 11:29 - United States - Westwood

Today, as I was getting x-rays of my arm, I heard one technician ask another, "Are you sure those are hers?" At 17, I have weaker bones than my grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 014
You deserved it 1 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

that's not good. try getting more calcium in your diet. milk actually isn't the best source of it, but its still better than nothing. tums might be a good idea. its pure calcium, i think.


You really need to give yourself more calcium.

sailorarctic 22

Calcium and Vatamin D supplements are in your future. Also, I'd have my doctor run genetic tests to see if maybe you have a mild form of Brittle Bones Syndrome.

Try Strontium supplement to increase density of your bone and calcium separately to strengthen your bone