By Anonymous - 20/05/2016 11:29 - United States - Westwood

Today, as I was getting x-rays of my arm, I heard one technician ask another, "Are you sure those are hers?" At 17, I have weaker bones than my grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 014
You deserved it 1 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

that's not good. try getting more calcium in your diet. milk actually isn't the best source of it, but its still better than nothing. tums might be a good idea. its pure calcium, i think.


looks like you need some milk (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It could be a bone disorder. I dated a guy who had, as he said, "brittle bones." They were extremely weak and broke easy. It was a genetic thing.

Dont take too many tums....too much calcium intake can cause a different disease all together. Eat a well balanced diet and most importantly get daily sunshine. People don't realize that sunlight is a way for our body to make calcium and vit D. The precise reason lonely old people are weak bc they're indoor all the times.

Doing weight bearing exercise like lifting weights as well as increasing calcium and vitamin D intake will help you increase your bone density. If you stay indoors alot and dont get alot of exersice your bone desity goes to hell.

As someone with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, I feel for you. The right diet and some meds should go a long way with you if this is the first incident. Of course, it's the doctor's advise you should listen to.

You're not just stuck with your bones the way they are, bones are constantly being broken down and remodeled. In general weight training, regular exercise, vitamin D and proper diet could rapidly increase bone density. It's incredibly important to your body to get enough calcium and phosphorous. If you don't get enough your body will actually break down your bones to keep your blood calcium levels where they need to be. But obviously have a long chat with a doctor or two, you could easily be doing everything right and still have bone density issues.