By Anonymous - 27/01/2011 05:19 - United States

Today, as I was walking home, I passed some little girls who threw a bunch of snowballs at me. I dodged every single one, ran away laughing, and gave them the finger. I then ran into a snowman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 606
You deserved it 47 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You gave a bunch of little girls the finger? I'd say this is a fail even before you ran into that snowman.

perdix 29

It was a Chris Hansen snowman, and he busted you for fingering little girls.


YDI you bastard, you flipped off little girls?!?!

SexiiForever 0

Mann, that's just harsh don't give the little girls the finger, they probably ran home telling there mommy! Do you remember in your child hod when someone gave you the finger??(:

Decodedman 1

YDI for giving"little girls" the bird. On the other hand, you probably made their day by running into the snowman. Bet they get a lot of mileage telling that story to their friends..

benefiits 0

have you met my friend karma? yeah she's a bitch

ohcrap007 1

you gave little girls the finger... man what is wrong with u!!!