By terrible kenny - 30/01/2011 09:24 - United States

Today, as I went into my calculus class, the teacher announced that someone had received a negative grade on the test we were getting back. I laughed and said, "Which f*cker managed to get a negative?" Turns out I'm the dumbass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 153
You deserved it 60 670

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alextheguineapig 0

you shouted f*** in a class? even more reason you're stupid


myalleyway 9

how do you get negative amount of points?

lmao wow that is great! but don't worry, it happens even to the best of us!

ShipofDreams 3

I got a 48 on a test in 4th grade. I got a week of detention since I was in catholic school. If I ran around outside at recess I got a month and I'm a girl so it was "sinful"

I hate people like you. The person who failed his test is already feeling bad enough and you're just being a dick to them.

tigerlover39 9

Ok #2 stop being a smart ass and a show off everyone gets a bad grade sometime

Haha that was pretty lame of you though you kind of deserved it XD

I want to know how he got a negative. Math can be really hard, but the lowest has always been 0 on tests, no less.

Klima_fml 29

I really don't like people like you.