By terrible kenny - 30/01/2011 09:24 - United States

Today, as I went into my calculus class, the teacher announced that someone had received a negative grade on the test we were getting back. I laughed and said, "Which f*cker managed to get a negative?" Turns out I'm the dumbass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 153
You deserved it 60 670

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alextheguineapig 0

you shouted f*** in a class? even more reason you're stupid


proof positive that jackasses with poor vocabulary skills aren't so great in math, either. YDI

Thats bullshit. There is no school on Sunday and a NY teacher would slap the shit out of you for talking like that. TOTAL BULLSHIT. GET A LIFE.

Congratulations, I bet you're proud of yourself. Haha.

Java6Nerd 10

Hu? Every test I've ever seen in my life gives you zero per wrong answer. How do you get negative unless you just drew a penis on every page?

you just to test your luck right? dumbass

Splayd 10

Why is everyone so indignant? He was obviously joking. Is it because he used a swear word? Since when did everyone become so prudish? I bet every one of you use profanity in your day-to-day life. Arrogant hypocrites.

how did u manage to get a negative, ******? lol

Too bad i couldnt press 'you deserved it' like a 100 times