By voltumna - 29/04/2009 12:38 - United States

Today, at 4 AM, I locked myself out of my apartment. After calling friends in vain, I decided to just sit on the doorstep and wait for someone to come in. I sat for 10 minutes before a homeless man insisted threateningly that I move. I was kicked off my own front doorstep by a homeless man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 698
You deserved it 7 475

voltumna tells us more.

As the OP, a few extra points: I'm female, he was about a foot taller than me, I'd come home from an 8 hour shift, and I called the cops once I'd moved down the street to a safe distance. If there had been people around, I'd have stood up to him, but I didn't want to add mugging to an already shitty day. But, at #29, I'll totally try that next time!

Top comments

You should have triple roundhouse kicked him. It works on most homeless guys, basically what you do is take 5 steps back so you're about 2 metres away from them. Then you press right, right, up, circle, triangle, L1, circle, L2. Good luck!

derailed 1

YDI if you actually listened to him


azzh0le 0

YDI. Grow some balls and tell the bum to f*ck off.

aho_matsuri 0

Yeah I second #7. If the homeless are chilling on your porch anyway, you might want to reconsider your location.

you live there, you aren't about to fight a homeless man for the ultimate control of the place you are currently living at? You need to find that homeless man and kick his homeless ass for threatening you!

lol nice this is totally one of my favorites now!

Punch that smelly tard right in his head.

and apart from kicking your door down, what would a friend have done apart from abusing you for waking them up at 4am :| cops would have arrested and given him a nice warm bed for the night :) lol #30 your a retard. Why would you lock your house door, when the door is open and you plan on going outside? maybe she left the house keys inside when she left for work???

******* pussy, why did you let yourself be pushed around by some homeless chump.

eppie 0

if its ur porch kick him out