By InnocenceBlue - 13/10/2018 18:50
InnocenceBlue tells us more.
Hi guys, OP here. I am no longer with this guy, for many reasons but this was a huge one. Not the first time something like this has happened. To answer any queries, I have anxiety, mainly towards surprises/shocks and this was one hell of a surprise. My ex knew I have "issues" and disappeared into the crowd (this was at a nightclub) knowing I wasn't following. Thanks for the funny replies and support :)
Top comments
I'd have mention something about chewing.
Was your boyfriend expecting you to walk away with him? Walking away seems like the correct move here.
Hi guys, OP here. I am no longer with this guy, for many reasons but this was a huge one. Not the first time something like this has happened. To answer any queries, I have anxiety, mainly towards surprises/shocks and this was one hell of a surprise. My ex knew I have "issues" and disappeared into the crowd (this was at a nightclub) knowing I wasn't following. Thanks for the funny replies and support :)
Glad to hear you're no longer with him. If your boyfriend doesn't bother defending you in these sorts of situations, he's obviously not worth it. And I don't say that because he's a man and he's "obligated" to protect you, but because he's supposed to be someone that cares about you and your well-being. You wouldn't expect your parent or sibling to leave you will some creep because "iT's 2018, yOu ShOuLd bE A sTrOnG iNdEpEnDeNt wOmAn" like some condescending commenters have pointed out. Anyway, hope your future relationship works out better for you.
<i>"Do you want to taste my banana?"</i> "I don't take fruit from strange men.'
“Do you want to taste my banana? *wink wink creepy grossness*” Me - “what do you mean? I don’t understand. Are you selling fruit?” “My BANANA. It’s delicious taste it” Me - I’m so confused. Why are you selling fruit in a night club?” “My dick... it’s a banana... oh never mind you stupid bitch” *walks away” I always play dumb with creepers. Even they feel the cringe when they have to explain their disgusting behaviour. I’ve never had a time it’s failed yet...
Why did you freeze? Did his banana intrigue you?
You should have said no but he does.
Time to have a chat with the boyfriend. His behavior was just as not okay as the creeper's. And to anybody saying she overreacted? Congratulations on being part of the problem.
Time for a new boyfriend.