By jarkleflob - 16/08/2015 17:49 - United States - San Francisco

Today, at a quiet restaurant, my stepdad loudly told me he hopes in the future they have "hover caskets" so he doesn't have to carry my "fat ass" to the grave. All because I didn't want a side salad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 369
You deserved it 2 341

jarkleflob tells us more.

Thank you all for the support! I would've never thought that this would get published. I first wanted to point out that we were on vacation out of state, very expensive vacation with a very expensive meal. Although that doesn't excuse his remarks/actions, I can see why he was in a bad mood. We had a pretty tense "vacation", there were a lot of people everywhere, foreigners that couldn't speak English, and a lot of things that my parents aren't open minded towards. I constantly have to remind my parents that "there is nothing you can do about it so don't worry about it". The comments you guys left were hilarious and I'm thankful for the ideas you gave - even if it wasn't the most serious.

Top comments

If he calls you fat again, eat him as well.

CliffyB03 28

Did you at least order a diet coke?


missyfiona89 28

Well, if you play your cards right, he may get to die first. #justsaying

Restaurant salad is the best! Just no vinegar.

"You're not my dad! Always tryna say somethin', ugly ass doodoo head." (That's a Vine thing if you're confused)

i don't know why there were thumbs down, I laughed at this

Badkarma4u 17

I read your comment in that little boys voice.

Op I'm so sorry. That was a cruel thing for your stepdad to say. Next time look at him and calmly say "I can lose weight. You can't change being ugly on the inside."

well he can change but I totally agree with the point you were making. I hope he was just joking

I mean, he's probably got a good 20 years on you, at least... just remind him that he'll go down way before you.

Your stepdad is an abusive asshole. Next time he pulls shit like that in public, I'd suggest a kick under the table is more than qualified. But it would also be well within your rights to dump his drink (why waste your own?) over his head and dramatically storm out.

I like the way you think ! Both responses seem perfectly appropriate to me.

would OP being overweight excuse the cruel comment by OP's stepdad? If not, it isn't really relevant.

I don't understand how ordering something extra on your plate would help you loose weight, even if it is a salad. Especially if there's dressing on that salad. Unless it would be replacing something unhealthier?