By whoneedsdumbcars - 14/08/2009 08:29 - United States
Same thing different taste
By parkingisawesome - 06/05/2011 00:35 - United States
By hannibal - 02/11/2010 13:44 - Australia
By sam - 17/01/2011 03:32
By embarrassed - 21/07/2009 04:14 - United States
Didn't see ya there
By mbrooke - 23/03/2009 04:31 - United States
Fighting talk
By Anonymous - 23/04/2022 18:00
By Anon - 28/12/2012 08:14 - United States - Southbury
By jason - 24/04/2009 13:24 - United States
Help me, doofus!
By rabbitoncocaine - 20/04/2012 06:41 - Germany - Unterbreizbach
Ohhh, wham bam thank you ma'am
By gagus123 - 28/10/2021 02:00 - Sweden - Stockholm
Top comments
rofl at u
Do you have a movie screen in your head? NO YOU DON"T so I BET you DON"T see it IN YOUR HEAD!! Ididoso
At least a hot girl noticed you, OP. I guess that's a step in the right direction?
Fail. =D
Not necessarily if he had been astute he would have been able to turn it into a conversation with the hot girl.
YDI for eating in a restaurant
YDI for being a useless driver
Why is my FML red? and how do I get rid of it. OP = Pure genius. Possible Darwin Award nominee one day
FML is being retarded. I've been trying to post a reply to you. Maybe this one will work. You can't. It's an ad for a movie and will be gone in a couple days.
Don't use the R word.
At least you got their attention.
I really think the girls are irrelevant. The car rolling away is an FYL with a YDI. I notice that it's embarrassing because ANYONE saw you, but the fact they were hot girls (who were walking out anyway) isn't really a necessary detail. So like I said, FYL/YDI both.

Ouch! Haha my mom did that one time and I was still in the car! It was so scary!
Fail. =D