
By Kristyn - 09/07/2024 16:00 - United States

Today, I asked my husband for the 1000th time to stop texting a woman he used to be friends with in high school, with whom he recently reconnected, and that I’m feeling neglected in this marriage. He responded by saying, “Fine! I guess I can’t have any friends then!” and took a hammer to his phone, breaking it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 470
You deserved it 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get the F out now. As soon and as safely as possible. He is unstable and very likely is or was going to cheat on you. He could use that hammer on you next.

That is a passive agressive manipulation tactic. He is trying to make you feel guilty about restricting him having friends of the opposite sex. He’s not seeing how it hurts your feelings when you expressed your boundaries. In a marriage, we are allowed to have friends of the opposite sex however, there are boundaries that need to be set and respected. if he responds to those with passive agression then he doesn’t respect your marriage. I wouldn’t pull the plug on this one yet - talk to him first and let him know that that behavior was not okay and that you demand respect. The way he reacts to that conversation will tell you everything you need to know whether you should move forward or not.


Get the F out now. As soon and as safely as possible. He is unstable and very likely is or was going to cheat on you. He could use that hammer on you next.

That is a passive agressive manipulation tactic. He is trying to make you feel guilty about restricting him having friends of the opposite sex. He’s not seeing how it hurts your feelings when you expressed your boundaries. In a marriage, we are allowed to have friends of the opposite sex however, there are boundaries that need to be set and respected. if he responds to those with passive agression then he doesn’t respect your marriage. I wouldn’t pull the plug on this one yet - talk to him first and let him know that that behavior was not okay and that you demand respect. The way he reacts to that conversation will tell you everything you need to know whether you should move forward or not.

Wadlaen 23

Sounds like drama queen with difficulties of understanding pretty basic things in a relationship...