By forever single, I guess - 15/03/2013 22:43 - United States

Today, at college, I finally talked myself into confessing my feelings to a girl I really like. Her response was to threaten to sue me. For what, exactly? I have no goddamned idea. I just don't understand people anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 753
You deserved it 3 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've seen many reactions to someone confessing feelings, but never a threat to sue O_o

Counter sue her for emotional distress?


I think that you are better to not be with her. But, to be on the safe side, OP would be advised to keep the number of a good lawyer with him, just in csse.

Well I guess it's pretty obvious you create feelings for someone based in fantasy and not reality-- because if you knew her well enough you could never fall for such a horrible person. Next time you find yourself crushing, take a reality check and get to know her for pity's sake!!

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Guy: i really like you Gal: im going to sue Guy: why dont we settle this case right now for $10000? Gal: deal O.o

I have to agree with #46, but I don't think it's appropriate that she threaten to sue you. honestly suing people seems to be the mainstream these days. it's like a reaction when you get mad " what!? you ate the last cookie!? I'll Sue you!!!" just because she said it doesn't mean it can be in actual case. what I would have done is said "yeah okay fine! Sue me, I'll see you in court you crazy lady". but that's just me. good luck with your future endeavors OP :-)

fatalwish 6

dont worry op darwins theory will kick in soon and take care of that idiot

she sounds like a real bitch, so its not a bad thing. but rejection still sucks

Would want to procreate with her anyways .... Stop those terrible genes in their tracks .

KaskStunter 4

Confess your feelings? Next time try to just ask her out.