By forever single, I guess - 15/03/2013 22:43 - United States

Today, at college, I finally talked myself into confessing my feelings to a girl I really like. Her response was to threaten to sue me. For what, exactly? I have no goddamned idea. I just don't understand people anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 753
You deserved it 3 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've seen many reactions to someone confessing feelings, but never a threat to sue O_o

Counter sue her for emotional distress?


Guessing she's becoming a lawyer herself haha

You didn't confess your yearning to make a body suit out of her skin, did you? Because those are feelings we keep to ourselves.

lllgggccc 1

Now that you know she is an idiot, stay as far away as possible and thank your lucky stars you never got involved!!

Obviously, you weren't missing out on much. :

ironik69 31

I would say it is just college and people grow out of this...but who am I kidding. Besides, this is no longer the age of "confessing your feelings." If you like someone, befriend them. The best relationships start out as friends first. Just ask all started with just someone to talk to.

She clearly has a shit personality, which means you were only attracted to her for her looks. YDI.


onorexveritas 23

I don't know why people react so harshly when someone tells them they like them.... it makes them not like them

Typical, people now a days want to sue you for everything!!!