By pride? what's that? :( - 01/09/2012 00:23 - Belgium - Leuven

By pride? what's that? :( - 01/09/2012 00:23 - Belgium - Leuven
By nazirah4shizzle - 15/05/2015 19:54 - United States
By Chester (Seattle) - 09/09/2010 02:15 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/01/2010 11:48 - United States
By Redhairchick - 06/11/2016 07:08
By Anonymous - 21/08/2021 16:01
By Anonymous - 26/07/2019 20:00
By ERnightmare - 02/08/2018 21:00 - United States - Long Beach
By Anonymous - 21/06/2012 17:43 - Canada - Toronto
By Anonymous - 03/06/2022 12:00
By Anonymous - 12/04/2015 15:42 - Belgium
Was the doctor atleast anal about the proceure? All pieces removed?
Procedure*. So close.
Perhaps if it was gigantic, or oddly shaped, or her favorite? Not sure really.
I'm not even thinking about the hospital trip. I'm trying to figure out how the ride there went.
Or you could get a real boyfriend, just a thought.
I remember reading something similar to this on Docbastards website :$
Didn't docbastard have his profile photo of a man with a coke bottle up his ass? People are crazy.
9- Maybe she means special as in she doesn't use it as often as her other ones? Or it's for when she really needs that orgasmic boost for the day?
Maybe this special one is particularly good at listening to her and knows what she wants.
How did it get stuck?
I am not sure she is a she... I think this Op is Male.
It's a female.
Doesn't it seem like it's her "special" ***** because she uses it for her ass?
#175, *She's
Don't feel bad OP, everyone has their days. You'll be happy :)
I think once OP sticks to using her special ***** for her ****** she will be VERY happy.
82: I was thinking the same! Nothing quite like a Belgian lady who's not afraid to "help herself".
I am not sure that it is a lady... Could be a Guy... OP doesn't say either way.
173- There is a gender sign on the right side of the FML. Pink for female and blue for male.
Don't know where you see that, I just see the word "woman" after the op's name.
Not so special now huh..
Maybe this was another case of a possessed ***** - just like the one from yesterday. Be afraid ladies. Be very afraid.
Are you kidding!? What could be more special than getting it stuck in your ass and having it surgically removed?! That's true love, my friend. True love.
A better question is did she get her special ***** back?
It'd be hilarious if something like this came into the ER where DocBastard works.
That's a bit shit.
As was your comment
As were these replies.
Sherlock....Benedict Cumberbatch....
That's gross
Your reaction is understandable, since you're only 14. Don't worry, once you mature a bit I'm sure stuff like this won't bother you.
If you actually looked at my profile instead of assuming things, 90, you would know that I am 17 and my comment is entirely justified.
90- Wrong. He's 17. Check the actual information ON his profile.
Can't we all just get along?
Think about it this way, 106. If I was 14 or 15, why would I have left that comment?
I love how hockeychickl003 tried to defend herself by saying people lie because she can't read.
#107, are you Canadian by any chance?
Wow 17, Fuzz? Please enlighten us more. Better yet, keep your mouth shut at least until you've moved out of your parents' house because you don't know jack.
That's mean 132.
I'm 14. I didn't even wince. 132- Hey, looks like I'm slightly more mature than you are, considering I don't make blanket statements.
Cuz ur stupid
Being mature isnt about accepting sexual shit like anal sex experience.. He is conscious enough to remember actively that there is shit in the anus.. Even if there isnt, the anus still had shit and is made to handle shit.. Since when does ... not thinking about the poop in the anus= being more mature?? Because The only way people stop thinking about the shit in the anus during sexual experiences is when they think about sexual pleasure instead-.- and this relates to the way people can choose to do things like eating ice cream even though it has been dropped on the floor .. Or having sex with someone else even though you have a boyfriend.. There is a contradiction and a impurity that makes it all disgusting in SOME way.. And contradictions to true love dont go away just because you get a bf/gf.. Being mature isnt about being unconscious about things.. Or sex.. It is about being stronger in more ways than one .. For yourself and for those you love and want to protect and make happy and such... Not about accepting anal sexual shit Because being mature is about reaching a level of intelligence.. But that level of intelligence doesnt have to be about accepting anal shit.
I wasn't aware people had special sex toys. But OP, there's other ways to cheer yourself up than drinking.
Yeah, like shoving things up your ass, oh wait...
Come to think about it, isn't alchohol a depressant?
You know a depressant isn't a thing that makes you depressed, right?
I agree with 158 :)
Life's a bitch:/
And is death her sister?
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway****** are made for women in mind for the most part. if I guy were to show up with a ***** up his ass, even if gay, it would be 100% more awkward of a situation.
Somehow I think stuck sex toys would be equally humiliating for either gender.
Actually I've experienced a prostate "massage". It's one of the most uncomfortable things I've experienced in my life. To each their own but I could never be gay.
Obviously OP is a girl. Open your eyes and look at the gender symbol next to the FML. Before you comment asking maybe you should open your eyes a little
Yes you could, 133, you'd just have to be a Top
Geez, did you go too deep? FYL OP, that would have been insane amounts of embarrassment.
Or maybe a bigger one so it won't get lost!
Or one with a proper base.
op: excuse me doctor I have a problem doctor: what is it? op: I have a ***** stuck up my ass and I can't get it out
Haha just picture her driving in her car to the hospital
Was the doctor atleast anal about the proceure? All pieces removed?
I'm not even thinking about the hospital trip. I'm trying to figure out how the ride there went.