By heyhijello - 09/09/2013 22:05 - United States - Oakland

Today, at my boyfriend's brother's house, I desperately needed to poop. After finishing my business, I realized the toilet wouldn't flush. I had to pull my poop out, wrap it in TP and make an excuse to go outside to throw it in a bush. The neighbor was watching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 073
You deserved it 12 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoronsAccount1 12

I don't even have a smartass comment to make. I genuinely sympathize for your misfortune.....

I get that OP was embarrassed, but wouldn't telling the bf have been a better option?


You could have made it flush by using a bucket of water. Just saying. I've had to do the bucket thing.

I never laughed this hard. hahahahahaha omg

Poop burritos, anyone? From the bushes?

Next time, remember that toilets work by pressure. Empty the trash can onto the floor. Full the trash can using the bathtub faucet. Poor that water down the toilet. Repeat add necessary. Aim the water at the poop to dissolve it and avoid clogging the pipe. Repeat add necessary.

No. You did not have to do that. That was not your only available choice.