By thepixies842 - 19/05/2014 15:34 - Canada - Warkworth

Today, at my job at a fast-food restaurant, I once again got called into the men's bathroom to break up sex between two homeless people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 128
You deserved it 6 470

thepixies842 tells us more.

McDonalds.. let the puns roll:)

Top comments

Well... if you insist. They turned the bathroom into their play place and didn't give a McShit what anyone had to say about it.


irishmama 5

I worked at a mcdonalds and they really don't pay enough to deal with anything to do with bathrooms so I feel you OP

Best reason yet to finish college quickly.

This fml inspired me to write a story. Chances are it won't be finished though...

you know,Maybe you could join the game..........

So, did he leave special sauce on her buns?