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By DeeElleGee - 14/11/2009 00:09 - Canada

Today, at my work, I was ringing though a kid's purchase. I try to be friendly with the kids and when he handed me his cash I said "Thank you, sir!" in a playful manner. He then turns to his mom and says "Mom, why does everyone think I am a boy?". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 289
You deserved it 6 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In 15 years, she's gonna be jacked like a ************ and wear lumberjack clothing.

Mc09toofine 0

don't feel bad!! lol it's the mom's fault maybe she should let the kid grow longer hair or somethin!


Mc09toofine 0

don't feel bad!! lol it's the mom's fault maybe she should let the kid grow longer hair or somethin!

i like this fml its funny and the kid seemed not to mind that much..

dudeitsdanny 9

Depends on the age. If you shaved the heads of every 5 year old in the country, you might not be able to tell their gender apart with all their clothes on.

authorkid 2

Danny, u look like my cousin

Fireashes250 16

This happened to me once when I was talking to a mom who had a kid that had shoulder length hair. I called him a "her" and I was embarrassed when I learned the truth.

Maybe the kid doesn't want long hair asshole

You would be surprised how much this happens to me as a 13 year old girl with really short hair. I don't agree with #1 cause anyone can feel free to express them self how they choose, it may be very confusing sometimes but damn is it funny to see the look on peoples faces when they get it wrong.

In 15 years, she's gonna be jacked like a ************ and wear lumberjack clothing.

xD happened to me before...but FYL and F"H"L ha "his"..."her"

dudeitsdanny 9

My sister used to have short hair, and when we'd go somewhere without my mom and I bought something, people would ask me what my "little brother" wanted. She laughs about it now.

I wish I knew what the kid looked like. I once saw a boy with the longest, curliest blond hair. It was GORGEOUS. But he was a 10 year old boy. (The parents were total weirdos). If the kid has short hair like a boy I can see how you would say that, but if the kid had long hair then I don't know what to tell you.

"The parents were total weirdoes" = you are close-minded and possibly a redneck.

WhatANoob 0
dioxyde420 0

No biggie. Little ones can easily be mistaken.

You worry too much. I have done this too many people at work before. I learned not to say anything.

Antivirus_fml 0


Haha. That's nothing. Now what really sucks is when someone says, "Excuse me, Miss," and you happen to be a guy. I would know. xD Get real, OP - yours isn't the FML.

I have a friend who's often mistaken for a girl and who has short hair... stop being so judgemental. Even though mullets ARE indeed atrocious. And long hair can look good on some guys.

Yeah, this website is definately "MLIA" dude you stoned or what? YEAHH IM 34th!!!!

artistsrendering 0

That happens to me all the time at work. I don't care, just gives me an excuse to ignore them and walk away haha.

Yeah, agreeing with posters above, little kids are often mistaken... When I went to the hospital to visit my sister and I went to the section with all the babies... Without the blue and red tags... I never would have guessed for most of them... How's your life ****** though? You just guessed a gender wrong in a kid, not something to feel ****** about... I actually thought a person my age was a guy from the haircut.... Turns out it was a lesbian but she really looked like a boy... I felt awkward but that was it...