By Snotmyfault - 11/01/2009 14:33 - United States

Today, at the age of 22, I started eating my boogers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 571
You deserved it 49 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Exposing your body to things like dirt, grime, snot, etc., is actually a healthy thing to do. By exposing your body to tiny amounts of germs like that, you're actually exposing your immune system in a fairly harmless way and boosting your immune system. Also, by placing the germs inside your mouth, where your immune system is constantly alert and working (saliva, tonsils, etc), it's relatively safe. May sound gross, but it's true. Still, you can get ill from this practise, so be aware. I suggest washing your hands often, at the least.

as long as noone sees you it's a victimless crime, mwa haha


beatleschick1940 9

loool nooo, it tht green shut in your nose:) buh like who the he'll eats boogers, does it like taste good?

CookieLovesYou 1

I was eating while I read this. F... You

missy1228 2

that's nasty u deserve this stuff how did this even get on fml this is a automatic ydi wtffffffffffffff man!!!

I'm a doctor and your 'boogers' are the protection in your nose to keep it from getting infections , bit they also carry very many viruses. when you breath in air pollution little particles get in your 'boogers' and stay there. eating them is a good way to get infections.