By Muwz - 13/08/2014 04:28 - France

Today, at the beach, I noticed a plastic bag in the water. I wanted to do something good for a change, help protect the environment and get it out. It wasn't a bag; it was a jellyfish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 514
You deserved it 9 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your intentions were good OP. Good on you!


Kyle1dc 17

Not the hand though... that DEFINITELY was in the wrong place.

I commend you for your noble intentions OP. Hopefully you didn't get stung by that jellyfish.

All Hail to the Jellyfish, the savior of the planet by doing heroic act like "stinging" the hell out of people and others

ThankKeplar 2

Turtles do that too, poor things, thank you for trying to be a good person

That must have been a shocking experience

Sorry man. They do look really similar,I hope it didn't sting you too bad.

tony1891 22

if you had a plastic bag you could put the jellyfish in it

schhichick 14

And why would you want to put a jellyfish in a bag? That's just cruel!