By Muwz - 13/08/2014 04:28 - France

Today, at the beach, I noticed a plastic bag in the water. I wanted to do something good for a change, help protect the environment and get it out. It wasn't a bag; it was a jellyfish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 514
You deserved it 9 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your intentions were good OP. Good on you!


I hate jellyfish. I. Hate. Jellyfish. I really do.

Don't let this dissuade you from picking up other plastic bags, OP. Good on you for trying to clean the environment!

Bit of a dumb mistake they're noticeably different

No, no they aren't. One of the reasons you want to remove plastic bags from the ocean is so sea turtles don't mistake them for jellyfish and eat them, leading to death. They move in pretty much the same way, too.

Good on you for trying to do the right thing OP, I just hope it was a relatively harmless species of jellyfish without a sting.

Some good for a change? So you're saying you don't do good often? Maybe this was a "too little too late" thing. Either way, that does suck!

If you can't tell a plastic bag from a jellyfish I worry for you, they look nothing alike. This is coming from some that surfs regularly though.

Tell that to sea turtles. Though they mix them up the other way around from how OP did.

Nemo had that experience too with the jellyfish.

I really don't understand how you could make that mistake

The reverse mistake that sea turtles make