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By paula123 - 18/12/2009 13:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that my ex-husband just had a baby with his new partner. We only split up a week ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 358
You deserved it 2 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch :/ Perhaps for the best he's the ex-husband then

WOW he works fast huh? He must shoot Miracle Grow.


Ouch :/ Perhaps for the best he's the ex-husband then

girlygirl666 0

We've all known about the affair for months- Google Street View.

Hes a p-l-ayer and you obviously didnt pay enough detail to his sammiches so YDI DO YOUR JOB WOMEN

Oh, that's obvious. Anyone who thinks one of The Pleb's posts is funny would be to stupid to use the internet.

Reyo 2

Bitch about it on the internet. That'll show him.

well if you find the_pleb in real life, thats kinda stalking..creepy.

and the fact that he had a "new" partner when you only split up a week ago wasn't the first clue?

A divorce takes some time, so if he's been her ex-husband for a week, they probably separated for quite a while before that. Could be a case of "oh I don't want him any more, but how dare he finding someone else so quickly".

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

good, at least its not your vag that's destroyed

It doesn't get destroyed when you have a baby lol. I've had one.

WOW he works fast huh? He must shoot Miracle Grow.

I don't know if you'll ever see this, but your comment was ******* amazing!

This must be the other side of the FML last week from the guy who called the wife of the co-worker who rushed out for his baby with his girlfriend.

icedrake523 2

TBH, why should you care anymore?

Tomaino 3

If they did in fact JUST split up a week ago, then she should care because 1) the divorce hasn't gone through yet, and 2) he was cheating on her when they were together. Whether or not you're broken up, it still sucks to find out you've been cheated on.

NotEven 0

I would like to know if you actually seperated a week ago, or if the divorce was final a week ago. Two very different things. It can take a while for a divorce to go through, so if they seperated a while ago, he could have gotten with the new girl during that time. If you just seperated a week ago, FYL.

AntiChrist7 0

Girls only love assholes. YDI

biteyourtongue 0
Erindub 0

Sorry thats just really shitty : ( life will get better...promise.