By Behemoth2 - 14/12/2008 05:15 - France

Today, at the Eurostar customs, an officer asked me if I had packed my luggage myself. I teasingly answered "No, I was helped by a member of Al Qaeda." which earned me a body and luggage search and a missed train. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 383
You deserved it 68 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Hahahaha, that is hilarious. I agree with everybody else that it is a dumb thing to do, but I myself am fairly sarcastic and probably would've said it before I realized the repercussions that came along with it too.


no no! u no joke weeze ze frenchies! how dare u haz ze audacity to do so!

fmlizdabest 0

how can you think this is an fml? you totally deserve it

polinka96 6

Those guys really take everything way too seriously. Be careful on joking around like that. I once got a luggage check because I looked "suspicious" in my dark hoodie, and they confiscated my nail file. It's pretty ridiculous...

MrJojobinks 6
1himfan666 0

Just goes to show...don't joke if u want ur trip

SookyTurner 4
pippacrawford 4

That was funny, but you're an idiot and totally deserved it. Be glad you weren't in Israel. My cousin was at an airport there and started chatting to one of the security people about their job, just making general convo. They hauled him in for questioning because he was suspiciously curious. You never joke about that shit.